Monday, December 27, 2004

The Family That Plays Together...

Trivial Pursuit used to feature categories like science, art and literature, and history. It used to be a fine, well-respected boardgame, with fancy little pictures on the squares with frequently unclear meanings.

The DVD edition of Trivial Pursuit features as its categories film, TV, music, sports and games, trends and gossip. It was sold to us without counters, without pieces of pie (or scoring wedges, or whatever the hell you know them as), and without a die. And apparently, the people who put together the DVD did not notice that they had put the flag of the USA in it backwards.

I really didn't know how to dress this post up to make it more ridiculous or more entertaining, so I didn't try. I really don't know what's happened to Trivial Pursuit. They don't even have brown as the colour of one of the categories anymore. Brown is no longer cool enough for Trivial Pursuit. Damn it, you do not have to make Trivial Pursuit cool. Trivial Pursuit will never, never be cool. We love it just the same.

Er, not that I take it too seriously.

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