Monday, February 20, 2006

Some Say The Meadowfish, She's Just A Myth

Well, you know how the saying goes. If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. And if you've got nothing at all to say, show a picture of a ridiculous sign.


Christine said...

Is it just me, or does that tree trunk look like it's been superimposed on the background? I mean, I know it wasn't - I was there, after all. (Ah, the ridiculous sign.) It just looks like it. (In other news, I managed to compose a whole comment without using that letter that I can't use. Woo!)

Unknown said...

I wonder... you didnt use the letters:
1. Q
2. V
3. X
4. Y
5. Z

So I wonder which it was.

Christine said...

Ten points for guessing right first time.

Anonymous said...

To be fair though, none of them's exactly an achievement.

Mark Taylor said...

I don't think it was meant to seem like one. Just a celebration of frustration evasion.

Christine said...

Actually, it's surprising how often Y crops up in normal conversation.

(Damn, I just gave it away, didn't I?)

And yes, it was just a celebration of frustration evasion. I failed this time round.

Anonymous said...

Four Ys in as many sentences, though. You failed in style.

Mark Taylor said...

Hey, check out the painted look of those leaves! That's pretty funky.